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Chapter I - Preamble to the Constitution of the Venturan Dominion of Jemania



We, the citizens of the Venturan Dominion of Jemania, humbly relying on the Grace of Almighty God, do this day resolve to bind ourselves to the Statutes of this Constitution, and do place ourselves under the Ordinances of God's Word, to live by, to be guided by, and to thrive therein.


As citizens of a Greater Kingdom, we who bear the Name of Christ recognise the Supremacy of that Kingdom over all earthly kingdoms, and worship its King as Lord over all earthly rulers. While we live within this Dominion and under this Constitution, our Loyalty lies with the One to whom we belong.


And we all together, as Image Bearers created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, recognise the Sovereignty of Almighty God over every aspect of our lives, regardless of our own stance toward Him.

With humbled hearts, we ask for the Grace to Protect our Citizens, Steward the Land, Dispense Justice and Mercy, Bless the Nations, and Proclaim the Good News.


To Him who sits upon the Throne, and in Whose Name we ask all these things, be Glory and Honour for ever and ever. Amen.



Chapter II - Statutes of the Constitution of the Venturan Dominion of Jemania



Part One - Government


  1. The government of the Dominion shall be composed of an Executive Council (also known as The Cabinet), led by a Chief of State

  2. The power of Governance shall vest in the Executive Council, and may be exercised on its Behalf by the Chief of State

  3. The Chief of State shall be Elected by the Executive Council

  4. The Executive Council shall be composed of Representative Ministers appointed to the Ministerial Roles outlined in Schedule 1

  5. Ministers of the Executive Council, or Cabinet, shall be appointed to their Roles by the Chief of State, and may be Removed from Office or Reassigned by the Chief of State

  6. New Ministerial Portfolios may be created by the Consensus of the Executive Council

  7. The Chain of Command within the Executive Council shall be structured into three Tiers

    1. Tier 1 (Supreme), with the Chief of State as the ultimate Human Authority, under God

    2. Tier 2 (Provisional), with the Deputy Chief of State acting in the Stead of the Chief of State, when (a) Absent, (b) Incapacitated, or (c) Deceased. The Deputy Chief of State shall also Assist the Chief of State in all matters of Governance, and may act on their Behalf when directed to do so

    3. Tier 3 (Ministerial), with all other Representative Ministers of State occupying this Tier, and being responsible for the Implementation of Government Policy in their respective Portfolios

  8. When making Resolutions on Major Decisions, such a Resolution shall be determined by means of a Vote by the Executive Council

  9. Votes shall take place within the context of a State Assembly, which is a meeting of Representative Ministers for the Purpose of attending to Matters of State

  10. The Deputy Chief of State shall Chair State Assemblies

  11. In a State Assembly, a Representative Minister may move a Motion. If seconded by another Minister, a Vote shall take place

  12. Votes shall take place Mafia-style, with thumbs up being 'ayes', and thumbs down being 'noes'

  13. A Simple Majority shall carry the Motion, which then becomes a Resolution of the Executive Council

  14. A Defeated Motion may not be moved again in the same State Assembly

  15. A Representative Minister who has moved two Defeated Motions may not move another Motion in that State Assembly

  16. Ministers of the Executive Council may act in accordance with their Portfolio and Responsibilities as they deem fit, within the Objectives and Direction set out by their Leadership

  17. However, Ministers of the Executive Council may be Overruled by the Deputy Chief of State, who may in turn be Overruled by the Chief of State, who holds the Supreme Prerogative which they may employ to Overrule Decisions, as they deem fit.

  18. Where a Minister considers to strongly object to a Decision, or an Overruling, they may invoke the Right of Appeal

  19. When a Minister invokes the Right of Appeal against the Deputy Chief of State, or against a Fellow Minister, the Chief of State is to be consulted to clarify the Matter, after which that same Matter is not open to Appeal

  20. When a Minister invokes the Right of Appeal against the Chief of State, a Special Meeting of the State Assembly shall be called

  21. The Chief of State shall state the Reasons for their Decision/Overruling, followed by the Minister stating their Objection

  22. The Entire Executive Council shall then vote (Mafia-style), the Motion being whether or not to Uphold the Appeal

  23. A Simple Majority shall carry the Motion

  24. Matters may be Retroactively Appealed where a Minister did not have Current Knowledge of the Matter/Decision

  25. Matters may be Appealed only once

  26. Following a Failed Appeal, the Minister who invoked the Right of Appeal may not invoke such Right again until a separate, legitimate Appeal has been lodged by another Minister

  27. Following an Upheld Appeal, Amends are to be made to Rectify the situation to the satisfaction of the Minister who invoked the Right of Appeal

  28. Following a Dismissed Appeal, Consideration shall nevertheless be given to Accommodate the Minister's Concerns as much as is possible

  29. During and following any Appeal, regardless of the result, all Parties concerned shall exhibit a Spirit of Unity, and shall not display any form of Internal Hostility


Part Two - Armed Forces


  1. The National Security Council (also known as the War Cabinet) shall be responsible for all matters relating to Security and Defence

  2. The National Security Council shall be composed of Select Ministers from the Executive Council outlined in Schedule 2

  3. Operational Command Authority for the Armed Forces shall vest in the Chief of State

  4. Oversight for the Armed Forces shall be the responsibility of the Inspector General

  5. The Deployment of Power shall be authorised by the National Security Council before any steps are taken to implement such a Deployment

  6. While all Practical Matters relating to National Security shall be attended to by the appropriate Representative Minister, all Major Decisions (such as Policy Direction of National Grand Strategy) shall be dealt with by Consensus of the National Security Council in meetings known as Security Assemblies

  7. The Conduct of a Security Assembly is to follow that outlined for the Conduct of a State Assembly

  8. Sections 16 through 29 of Part One shall apply to the National Security Council, as with the Executive Council, with the exception being that National Security Council Ministers may only be overruled by the Chief of State, as the Deputy Chief of State does not sit on the National Security Council

  9. The Armed Forces of the Dominion may be Deployed to the following, and other, Posts and Combat Environments:

    1. Domestic Law Enforcement

    2. Domestic Security

    3. Foreign Peacekeeping

    4. Defence of National Interests, whether at Home or Abroad

    5. Defence of Allies' Interests

  10. The Armed Forces of the Dominion of Jemania may NOT be Deployed in Operations against its own Citizens

  11. Refer to External Documents (Treaties, Conventions, etc) for Rules on the Conduct of Hostilities


Part Three - Foreign Relations


  1. The Plenipotentiary responsible for dealing with other Nations on behalf of the Venturan Dominion of Jemania shall be known as the Foreign Minister

  2. Upon appointment, the Foreign Minister shall be Endowed with the Full Authority to Act on Behalf of the Government of the Dominion, within the expressed Interests of such Government

  3. Any Agreement, the Effects of which are contrary to the Interests of the Dominion, which is Covenanted between a member of the Government of the Dominion and the member of the Government of a Foreign Power, may be considered to be Null and Void


Part Four - Legislation and Judicature


  1. The Executive Council may pass Legislation as it sees fit, and as accords with this Constitution

  2. Legislation shall be passed in the same way as Resolutions

  3. Legislation shall be adhered to by all Government Officials and Citizens, as relevant


Part Five - Treasury


  1. ‎The Venturan Dominion of Jemania shall seek to use all the Wealth at its disposal in ways that glorify the One from Whom it is on Loan

  2. ‎The Dominion's finances shall be managed by the Treasurer

  3. ‎The Inspector General shall exercise Oversight over the area of Finance

  4. ‎However, as with all Ministerial Portfolios, the Buck shall Stop with the Chief of State

  5. ‎The Government shall conduct its Finances in an Accountable and Transparent manner: Accountable by being the exercise of Oversight in this area by the Inspector General; and Transparent by making public the list of Recipients of Foreign Aid in each year's Budget


Part Six - Citizenship


For the purposes of this Part, the term "Citizens" shall be taken to include Government Officials.


  1. Citizens of the Venturan Dominion of Jemania have the following rights:

    1. To be provided for

    2. To be protected

    3. To be respected

    4. To be loved

    5. To be educated

    6. To know God

    7. To own property

  2. Citizens of the Venturan Dominion of Jemania have the following responsibilities:

    1. Respect for others

    2. Teamwork

    3. National spirit (see Part Seven)

    4. To learn and learn well

    5. To live in accordance with the Constitution, statutes, and laws

    6. To honour God in word and deed

    7. To look out for their fellow citizen

    8. To care for the stranger in our lands

    9. To care for the widow, the orphan, the sick, and the needy; especially those that are of the household of faith

    10. To obey those in authority

    11. To steward that which has been entrusted to them


Part Seven - National Spirit


  1. The Citizens of the Venturan Dominion of Jemania shall always endeavour to uphold the National Spirit, which involves (but is not limited to)

    1. Conducting oneself so as to be Above Reproach in all Matters of Integrity

    2. Showing Love and Respect to one's Fellow Citizen

    3. Striving, to the fullest of one's Abilities, to serve first the Interests of the Venturan Dominion of Jemania, and also that of its Allies, its Friends, and of its Neighbours

    4. When in times of Hostilities, to Brace oneself to one's Duties, and Serve Sacrificially and Valiantly

    5. Maintaining a Steadfast Loyalty to the Venturan Dominion of Jemania and its Citizens

      1. Note - Citizens who enter into a Marriage Covenant are released from the Bonds of Loyalty to the Dominion, and are given the Full Blessing and Commission of the Dominion to form their own Nation

    6. Bearing oneself before a World of Observers in such a way that, even through Flaws and Imperfections, and despite one's Inherent Sin Nature, a Spectator will behold one's Conduct, and glorify the Father in Heaven, whether now or on the Day of Visitation.


Schedule 1 - Ministerial Roles of the Executive Council


  • Chief of State

  • Deputy Chief of State

  • Commander in Chief

  • Chief of Defences

  • Director of Intelligence

  • Chief Support Officer

  • Theologian General

  • Foreign Minister

  • Treasurer

  • Minister of the Interior

  • Minister of Education

  • Inspector General


Schedule 2 - Ministerial Roles of the National Security Council


  • Chief of State

  • Commander in Chief

  • Chief of Defences

  • Director of Intelligence

  • Foreign Minister





Authorised by Venturan Dominion of Jemania Chief of State
Joshua S. Ventura




Under the Dominion's Idea Sharing and Freedom of Information Policy, one is at liberty to take the ideas presented here and modify, adapt, or otherwise utilise them for one's own situation without consulting the Venturan Dominion of Jemania; consent is assumed to have been given for these actions. Outside of these actions, normal Copyright Protection applies for copying, reproduction, etc.

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